Hi Izaak. At this point in the contest, only the designer ranked in 1st place may submit revisions. I'd love to submit some iterations of my design. Can you re-arrange the ranking temporarily?
can u put a double band around the window to make it look like a window in a church cathedral sort of give it the feeling of, or look of stone, probably impossible eh?
i think this will work. have to run it by my boss but i am 99% sure this is good. Would it be possible when the files are sent over to me to have this one exactly like it is and then another one that has LLC on the end of PROPERTIES? So it would look like this: DISCERNING PROPERTIES, LLC
and I would leave it up to you to make the spacing work out to where it would look more even. I may need to have LLC included but not sure when the logo is used on signs, etc.