Hello, looks like Your contest already ended with choosing other designer design. But if You want my design, maybe for another purpose of your business, please contact me at pitusongodesign.com. Ofcourse with very reasonable prize. Thank You.
Hi there and thanks for submitting. We'd like to find a little more character in the dinosaur skeleton. Looking for something a little bit more like the "ghostbusters ghost logo" but you're off to a good start because we like the closeness to Jurassic Park T-Rex skeleton so finding that hybrid middle ground of the two examples is ideal. Also, we've been enjoying a more prehistoric stone font for the DINO WORLD text or a text closer to that of the Jurassic Park logo font. Thank you and look forward to any changes
Hello dear Client, Here is I submit my design. Is my design on the right track? feedback are very welcome to me to improve the design. Let starts with element that You like or did not like from my design. Or maybe You have further information or direction to make an improvement. I am very open to feedback and ofcourse will very happy to make improvement. Thank You
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Best Regard "Titus"
Best Regard "Titus"