Very Clever... not truly the style were looking for but still very good! if you could make the D and the M a little bit more approachable and Distinct! But Good! Remember our audience is more female and its a little too masculine!
#62 This Stylistically is very good... this direction is appealing, this image is a bit too youthful almost fantasy / video game, our demographic is high end skin care / women 33 to 55 but you can see that this is unfolding into something wonderful... almost a magical feel but needs a little bit more grounding maybe using a stronger font, something that shows the company is grounded in serious skin care formulations. We're looking for a Masculine Exterior with a Feminine interior The name of the company needs to be primary ie: Dino Morra and the font needs to be stonger and Elegant without looking too old. The image itself needs to be more luxurious, the feathering or flowing lines coming out of the image are beautiful, they show wonderful movement. Very nice, thank you.
Beautiful Revision.... The Name is powerful enough to stand up to the logo... that is very appreciated.
We have many lines we intend on releasing... and this logo and design is very Avant Guard, a little forward and a little daring for the initial line, which is more traditional. A line that would be used for this logo would be for a younger more daring audience however a younger individual is not traditionally spending a fortune on skin care, they are more focused on appearance through clothing and that's how I see this logo being used.
If you can, why not try and interpret this logo as a symbol taking a new generation into skin care , inner beauty maybe your interpretation might be a little different, but dont get me wrong... it is a very special design as is!
Wow.... Great... Revision....Much more Regal...... That is the direction.... and the correct age demographic in this particular situation.... not that the other one wasn't spectacular... Just not the correct demographic at this time This is more of where we want to move too... Thank you...!
Thank you so much, for your entry, I am overwhelmed with the magic of your design, as you can imagine there are so many amazing entries and not 1 better than the other just different. We are so excited at the response from this logo tournament that our company has decided to release several lines in the near future because of the inspiration gained from designs like this one and we are very interested in your design for future use with a line that actually suits the demographic that we believe that your design speaks to.
If possible please leave your contact email and number and design reference at and we will either ask you directly to submit a design or use the one created, than you so much for your talent and time. Once again, I am overwhelmed at your creativity and thank you.