Hi, thank you for your Logo. I really like Entry 34. Can you please make the background dark purple. And another sample with white background and black text. Thank you!
Thank you! Some good ideas! Also, is it possible to intergrade into the logo a man in suite that would point out a high class service man! Maybe somthing similar to a johnnie walker lago! http://www.johnniewalker.com/global/AgeGateway.aspx Thank you,
I'll update from your revision if I were in the first rank. Because the only designer in the first rank that can be updated to revision in judging mode.
like the netry 95, can you pls make the man smaller and place @ top of the tex middle or bottom of the text also in the middle. Or if you leave the size, try to intergrat it in the Background of the text. Is it possible?
entry 97, no underline, very nice, entry 100, can u place the man over the letter I and remove the I away 98# can u pliease make the man little smaller