Hi, please find my first entires attached. The concept uses an egg combined with a light bulb to represent both the incubator (egg) and innovation (bulb) aspect of the business. The egg is cracked to get the idea of hatching the concept. The design is modern and contemporary and the icon works well as a standalone element that visually represents the offering of the business.
Please let me know if you'd like to see any changes.
Sorry, had to withdraw my first entries as it's been pointed out to me that a contest not long ago here on LT had a similar winning logo.
I've uploaded a second concept which uses a digitised pixel art egg with the legs hatching out of the bottom. This covers the incubator aspect and the digital aspects of the business.
Alternative version to my original design uploaded with the bulb inside the egg - this has the same concept as the original with the incubator (egg) and innovative ideas (bulb) but is in a different style.