Just another idea. I have a million it seems for your request. I'll keep them coming. In this one the light seems to move forward and upward...another nice subtle analogy for any business. Some of my elements are aimed at the business personel as well as their clients. While a logo and corporate I.D. are to help people recognize you, I like to also put elements that are uplifting top the owners and employees of a business. After all you have to see it all the time. Keep that in mind. A nice logo that says something to people on both sides of the line will accomplish more than one that ONLY speaks to those outside of your four walls. Thanks again!
On your website at your environmental page, you make it very clear of your awareness of the environment and your responsibility to it. I think this design will tell people that. The earth and sky color combo work nicely with your company name, and it subtly mixes your environmental position with the day to day job that you do. Your not Greenpeace nor do you want to be, but you are green aware. This tells that story.
This is a play on my first design (the one you have ranked at #1) It has a subtle "D" shape hidden inside it. This is a clean design that should print well and look good blown into large sizes...
Thanks! If I can change anything to my designs please feel free to let me know....My goal is to win, but to win with the concept that you need...I will work with you to make that happen.