Diamon fruitsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Diamon fruits

Diamon fruits has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 139 designs from 25 different designers from around the world.


Good job,

we liked it, the idea of making the diamond fruity like is good, may we could put some color as a light coming out of the heart of the dimond so seam the is a fruit inside you know, may using colors like the blueberry, cherries, lime green, mangoe, orange, and things like that and put it as a if it was coming out as a light from inside the dimond like a real diamond. try it with and without the DF letters in the inside of the diamond to see how it looks ok, and may be we could use a more bright white dimond so it looks more like a real one ok. also we could try different letter cases some minimalistic and may be some script like ones ok. I think entry 15 and 17 are pretty good, the effect in 17 where there is a brightter side as it was light is good, try putting it as if coming from the core of the diamond ok.

good work, and we'll be waitting for the changes, ok,

12 years ago
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