Diamon fruitsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Diamon fruits

Diamon fruits has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 139 designs from 25 different designers from around the world.


Good work, I only had in mind different fruits, like mangos, avocados, berries, etc. so may you could play around with this concept as you though of it, which I think is pretty good. aslo may be you could doint otherwise have the diamond as the outside and bigger thing and the fruit inside the diamond that way you can play around with the colors coming out of the heart of the diamond as is they were fruits, for instance we could use orange, a lime green color, the purple you just used, blue like in blueberries, red for cherries and strawberries, and so on, so we can play around with the concept with the different fruits we have ok, so you can try both ways and will see how it looks with the diamond inside like this propousal or inverse with the fruit in and the diamond shape in the outside ok, also try diffenrent kinds of letters, this one is good, but we just want to see how it looks with other types, minimalistic and or script type would be the idea ok.

good work we liked it,

12 years ago
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