would u be so kind to use colors like orange - yellow - green? Try to make the flip flop not so playful because we are selling our product to men and women How would you like the idea of growing up the slogan so tha it is more visible? awaiting your proposals with a smile :)
Dear Lass Maybe I confused u or perhaps u did not saw what I wrote atthe Contest Discussion. I like the latest ideas but I can not usethem cause the flip flop has to be next to the log! This is a product that is constantly changing ... today flip flop tommorow something else :)
#65 very good! i like the flip flop, nice idea! but still very playful :)))))) maybe if u try another font that is a bit strict and squeeze the flip flop ? thank u in advance
thank u for entriew #79 #80 but we i do like the #65, could u make the changes that i wrote to you in my last comend (maybe if u try another font that is a bit strict and squeeze the flip flop)? than u :) Anastasia
#103 design the flip flop a little bit smaller like #7, try another colour match (blue, green, grey) and make the flip flop tops touch the flip flop within the limits. thank u :)
thank u for u quik response :) maybe u didn't understod me ... please correct the laces at the top of the slipper. try to design them within the limits of the flip flop.... they look like wings as they are for more information pls ask thank u in advance Anastasia
Thank you, I love your energy and I know that choosing a logo is sometimes a difficult thing, even painful! I remain available for further improvement as well as your future needs any graphics (other pictogram in the same style ... I guess the bag, jewelry or other plastic objects?) Pleasure (and scuse my english :-) Jessica