I understand that you have a very specific logo in mind, but can you please guide me what you are looking for because just marking designs as Not Interested is not giving me any direction.
Mint, Thanks for your comment and I just leaving you a message on this logo when I received your message. Ok, first make VERY LITTLE emphasis on the DFW, the only reason I am using it is for legal reasons and I do not want that to be the highlight of my logo - I want Precise Remodeling to be the highlight. I want the logo to have very distinct straight lines/angles/etc as you would see on an architectural drawing, I want it to appear as you are looking at a blueprint and incorporate maybe an architects tool like a compass or something like that. I hopes this helps you. d.
It does help a lot. I will gladly make a few designs with this direction in mind, but please note that there are limitations to this because the current first rank had done something similar and it appears that the logo brief didn't have that included, thus he is the only designer who can use this concept according to the rules.
You can write him and see if he can accommodate your suggestions. Besides that I will gladly revise my designs.
Residential Remodeling Company - I want to use some type of architectural logo design
So this is why I am having a hard time understanding why no one has submitted a design like this except for one since I listed it like I did in my bio?
I understand, that is the reason I wrote to you, because I suspected that might be the case.
As for the the brief itself, since we don't do remodeling ourselves, I am afraid that a blueprint and/or more importantly precision lines is not a top of mind idea. The best thing about Logotournament is that people can protect certain ideas if they were not mentioned specifically in the brief.
Now I see that doesn't help you much in this situation, but I just wanted to clear things for you.
Entry #25 My wife is liking this design - she wants more vibrant colors, doesn't really like the green - do you have any ideas? She is leading me away from the compass, she thinks it detracts from what I want.
As for the compasses, I think they give the right sort of message - precision remodeling, clever approach to tasks, a house, etc. But again, it is just the way I see it.
I moved 105 to 1st because I like the design, I like the wording under 103 somewhat because it is different then just residential remodeling. Do you have any ideas for using an adjective like elite, prestigious, or something like that to show I am not looking at $20K remodels, my company is only interested in $100K + remodels. Any ideas???????
It is a toughie. I racked my brain over it for half an hour and came up empty. Do you have any suggestions yourself? I am not entirely sure what the second word should be, but I like Residential.
Ok, how about using "A Residential Remodeling Company" in the blue/green line like you did with just the residential remodeling and underneath it put this somehow: Building your visions. Creating reality
I think you need to have 3 different designers at the top 3 places in order to end a contest. This is due to statistics, because a single designer cannot get all 3 medals (1 gold medal, 1 silver and 1 bronze).