Thanks for your feedback
Hope you can check my variations for your considerations. #236, #237, #238, #239
Really appreciate if you could give more direction for my logo design.
Thanks for your feedback.
Since the contest is on selection stage, only rank 1 can submit revision. Please switch my design on rank 1, so i can send revision asap.
Hello, I like the overall design of this. There is a few changes I would like to see to see if I like it. For example. the actual blue color I want to match to the upload I did with the dewey construction logo. I would like to see a version with the wrench not integrated into the letter but right next to it, and the wrench handle to be red, and possibly turn the wrench itself into a caricature in motion with possible hands or eyes? if that makes sense. Lastly can we see this version with the wrench on the right side and then the same flipped with the wrench on the left side. I like the black background but would like to see a version of this with a white background as I may have a need for it. Also, please know that I really like the "D" in dewey with the water droplet as is, no changes to that
Thanks for your feedback
Hope you can check my variations for your considerations. #176, #177
Really appreciate if you could give more direction for my logo design.
I like the water drop, is there a way to add in the pipe wrench integrated into the name where the "y" is? also can you make the coloring the same as the attachment I uploaded for our general contractor logo? And add in our license numbers - NV #0083565, 0074981. Maybe in smaller lettering underneath we can add our general contractor name as Dewey Construction. And lastly maybe create one with a dark background?? Thanks
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Thanks for your feedback
Hope you can check my variations for your considerations.
#236, #237, #238, #239
Really appreciate if you could give more direction for my logo design.
Thanks for your feedback.
Since the contest is on selection stage, only rank 1 can submit revision. Please switch my design on rank 1, so i can send revision asap.
Thanks for your feedback
Hope you can check my variations for your considerations.
#176, #177
Really appreciate if you could give more direction for my logo design.