Love #48...exactly what I am looking for in my logo. I would like to see some other examples of this .. one example would like to see the Dallas skyline shadowed with a thin chrome out line at the top of the emblem.
Another would be to have the badge like what you created in #29 but do what you did in #45 with the Detail Werkz text with no black background behind it, but use the Dallas text like you did in #27
Thanks..I love how you made the Detail Werkz flat across the top of the text and then have it a nice lean on the ends.. I plan on putting this logo on vehicle front and rear windshields.
#69, can you put the dallas skyline in the top area, inside the badge, like behind the DW, make it black with a very thin chrome outline so it pops..but is kinda hidden..u understand? LOL.. hard to expalne stuff.
#88 is right on. Here is some feedback from some of my clients and friends. They are sying that they are havin a tough time reading the Detail Werkz text. Can you put some spacing between the letters. Just need to be able to read it from a few yards away.
Also can you put .com next to the side of the z.
Looking really good! Exactly what I have been invising.
#104 > Can you make more spacing between the letters in Detail Werkz..maby streach it out farther on each side. Also make the border around the letters darker so the text is easier to read.
#107, make the background under the letters..more the white text is more visible.. the background behind the letters around the il we kinda blend in, Add the bevel in the text like in #105
I also like 117 and 113 for the other two designs I want to use.
about to make you the winner..I need the #1 logo TODAY for a big sponsorship that I am doing with SunBru.Com. Can you send me the file in large format that will be good for banners and flyers..etc.. at least 300DPI EPS or PSD file?
Thanks for all your work. What is your email address so I can keep in touch with you if I need some small tweeks and such? Mine is
Brian Hare CEO/President Detail Werkz Dallas