# 33 I like a lot, but not enough woman, yacht boat too, too sharp I think, I like the molten writing, testing has a star line that intersects the arc, like a lucky charm, # 32/31, I like the two horizontal and vertical versions but maybe in white on the blue background? Testing a policy between # 33 and # 31
Hi thanks thank you I still have a problem with the waves, I like the first but the second least yet I love the circle a deep blue test guards the base of # 52 and I'd like to see the logo in white on dark blue thanks
Hi thanks ok, now based on the # 91 with the blue circle as the "C" "cruises" and the boat silver trials to the light blue to dark blue gradient tests darken "destination" tests shifted the dernir floor of the boat to ventilate the space with star vericale for release testing center the "destination" and for the horizontal version to test the "destination" all right one last thing to bring trials waves as the # 93 thank you for all these changes
thanks I keep # 117 is what I can see the # 117 with the all blue boat all the money and please circle and I prefer the fore upper boat # 95 I keep the "destination" centered and new waves thanks a lot
Julien, I think i don't understand some of your words, forgive me, but i am trying to. did you using google tranlsate for your comments? And please check updates #119 #120 are they correct?