Wow this is amazing- we love the lighter colored fish; it really makes it pop! We're being a little high maintenance here, but can you just change the light beams to the yellow rather than orange, and make the stars blue dots?
Hi menangan, we love your logos! We were wondering if you could do a couple things for us with this one just to see how it looks: Can you make the fish a solid blue? Also, wondering if you could replace the two stars with blue dots. Finally, could you get us a version that is all one color (maybe that dark blue)- there will be times a monochromatic image will be easier to embroider on clothing. Thank you!
Thank you for that revision! Can I ask one last thing just for my own edification- can you change "Department of" to "Plymouth" ? I'd just like to see how that looks too.
On this would, could you also replace "Department of" with "Plymouth"? I'd like like to see how that looks. "Energy and Environment" can stay the same beneath it. So it'd read "Plymouth | Energy and Environment" Thanks!
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