Hello Aldeano! So I like your re-use of my previous logo but don't be afraid to come up with something completely new. Remember I need to present myself as not just a snow removal vendor that also does other services, but as a professional in all services offered. If we went with this strategy however I would recommend the following...Stay with the darker blue in the word SNOW and for the snow itself as in Entry #2. I like the font in #2 also. Get rid of the roll-bar and light in the bed of the truck, I never much cared for that. Make the plow blade black as in Entry #1. Let the plowed snow extend to the rear of the logo and then expand the "Snow Removal, Concrete & Paving Specialists" to the full width of the logo underneath that to make it more readable. I don't exactly know how to state this but I like the creaminess effect of colors where they are darker in the middle of the color and lighter towards the edges. Thanks for your entries! While we are at it I'd like to see one with the previous suggestions and then also, believe it or not, one with a colorful green palm tree in the background behind the bed of the truck!