Denver Legal, llc.Logo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Denver Legal, llc. Denver Legal, llc. has selected their winning logo design. For $300 they received 210 designs from 20 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by Kava Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn 7th #136 Withdrawn New #147 Withdrawn Prefers others. #135 Withdrawn Prefers others. #32 Withdrawn Prefers others. #31 Withdrawn Prefers others. #30 Withdrawn Prefers others. #29 Withdrawn Prefers others. #16 Withdrawn Prefers others. #15 Withdrawn Prefers others. #14 Withdrawn Prefers others. #13 Withdrawn Prefers others. #3 Discussion DenverLegal Client I like this but my business colors are blue and orange 15 years ago DenverLegal Client I like this but my business colors are blue and orange 15 years ago Kava Logo Designer Thank you for feedback. This is design with different colors.Kindly regardsSebastian(This comment references Entry #13) 15 years ago DenverLegal Client Hi Sebastian, not to be a pain but I really like entry 15 & 16 but could you perhaps make the blue a bit more navy blue for me?? 15 years ago Kava Logo Designer Yes, of course, that's no problem. This is navy blue version.(This comment references Entry #29) 15 years ago Kava Logo Designer Different font.(This comment references Entry #31) 15 years ago DenverLegal Client I really like your designs, but do you think you can design something with the weights of justice for me? 15 years ago DenverLegal Client I like entry 21, but could you put Denver Legal in a straight line in front of the logo (it will look nicer on business cards that way) and the llc in small letters underneath the legal part? 15 years ago DenverLegal Client With entry 30 will you put the denver legal in a straight line after the logo and the llc in small letters under the legal part please 15 years ago Kava Logo Designer I'm sorry for the delay in submitting. This is design #30 with different layout(This comment references Entry #135) 15 years ago DenverLegal Client will you please make entry 135s blue more of a navy blue - it may be my computer but it looks greenish blue to me! thanks 15 years ago Kava Logo Designer Changed blue(This comment references Entry #147) 15 years ago