I like the concept here too, use different letter types and make the leaf with in the D may be smaller or the D in grey/black so it outstands from the it ok, remember that we need the wordmark, the pictorial/abstract marks and the letter form ok
I like the concept, maybe a thinner line surrounding the word demeter or with out it, also could use different images of crops and or trees but leaf is ok, it works, also remember that we need the wordmark, the pictorial/abstract marks and the letter form ok
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I like the concept here too, use different letter types and make the leaf with in the D may be smaller or the D in grey/black so it outstands from the it ok, remember that we need the wordmark, the pictorial/abstract marks and the letter form ok
a little too simple, if can put a leaf or something and remember that we need the wordmark, the pictorial/abstract marks and the letter form ok
I like the concept, maybe a thinner line surrounding the word demeter or with out it, also could use different images of crops and or trees but leaf is ok, it works, also remember that we need the wordmark, the pictorial/abstract marks and the letter form ok