no worries. I can still upload here in the site and i will email you the design together with some additional file formats for different printing uses.
Hello, you are the winner, I would like to:
1.- Have this with the firs angle of the shade (doesn't matter the spoon is not really filled)
2.- Play with different shades of gray
3.- "Food delivery" is not legible enough, maybe a white border or a shadow to help
4.- food deliver all small caps
Hi, thanks for the other options, Can you make this one with the font of #22?, also, can you adjust the green shadow to cover completely the spoon handle?
I like the extra layer you applied to the wing, but I am not sure about the 3d bold you applied to the wing, we can explore this path, with something more flat.
I like the simplicity of this one, I would like to see a different font, something like the (retail me not) cursive. Also, something that makes conflict in my head is the direction of the wing, can you flip it so is going in the same direction as the text?
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1.- Have this with the firs angle of the shade (doesn't matter the spoon is not really filled)
2.- Play with different shades of gray
3.- "Food delivery" is not legible enough, maybe a white border or a shadow to help
4.- food deliver all small caps