I immediately recognized that it was a person. It is definitely the most unique person-like graphic so far. The little blooming sahasrar makes him/her look like a plant as well.
I also like the one with the red flower. The colors are gorgeous as well as the font. Since I do practice herbal medicine, I am drawn to the flower quite a bit. However, it looks like a tulip, which isn't medicinal and/or doesn't have meaning for my practice.
Some flowers that do are trillium:
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7387/9126323519_d5d52cee18_z.jpgor lotus:
http://wallpapers.windowsace.com/pics/l/o/lotus-flower-wallpaper-wallpapers-desktop-hd--w-l-ibackgroundz.com.jpgor peony:
http://allanbecker-gardenguru.squarespace.com/storage/treepeony.JPG.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1327810102057All these flowers come in red - so that's beautiful. I LOVE that one!