Ok, thanks Nurwan. I was trying to upload the logon into Linkedin and it was displayed with white frame around it. I mentioned you, I am not specialist in graphics :)
I think your english is ok. Problem is that this chat window is always related to nr #... And it leads to misunderstanding when you try to explain general concept. Did you get my message about problem with main logo, #415?
Hi Nurwan.
I upload the files and notice that principal Logo ( square format) has white frame around it. It suppose not to have anything, once the logo is é square with lettering inside. Could you please correct it.
My name is Nurwan Budiman
I will prepare the final files.
Just for information : For the file format that has ability to contain multiple pages in one file (AI,PDF,EPS) I can send you one file that contain multiple pages ( because logo tournament only allow, in final file transfer,one file for each format.
For other format that can not contain multiple pages (only one page for a file : PNG, SVG) I can send you only one file, and the rest via email.
Dear Artomorrow ( what is your name if you are not colective?). :)
Thank you very much for your smooth collaboration and wonderful designs. We can now start to produce final files, total 11.
May be I have miss perception about transparency...Lets make our perception the same...opacity 100% = 0% transparency....0% opacity = 100% transparency
Actually the white lettering has no background, but I have to give black background. See #416 that I just uploaded , it is white lettering with transparent background. The browser can not display the transparency. I hope you understand. Feel free to ask. Thanks
For this version in square would like to ask to try2 mores:
1. White background with 20% of transparency and lettering totally transparent.
2. Black background with 30% of transparency and lettering totally transparent.
For this series of logo, letters in square could you try to reduce the size of lettering slightly, and enlarge the margin. I think in previous version (thiner) it was smoller and looks better. Thx.
i realize that after we thickened the lettering, we did not change the horizontal line of e, correct? could you please try to see how it look with thicker once? thx
Is it like this...??
Because the letter is white, I give the black background so that you see it. In the final files, I will remove the black background
Let´s go for final files.
A. There will be 3 lettering logo declination ( no background) :
1. Lettering in black.
2. Lettering in white.
3. Lettering in yellow ( the last yellow, what is panton?)
4- Lettering in gray.
B. There will be 3 square logo declination with background :
5. Lettering in black and yellow background (done)
6. Lettering in white and black background (done)
7. Lettering in yellow and black background .
I have sent you final files ( 5 files in 5 formats) in final transfer...Please check...If you need more files or modification you can contact me via email...
Ok. Do not worry than about it . If you have time , you do it , just for your improvment in animation :).
But what you did already with other logo, was preatty cool!
Ok...I can do animation, but I am still learning in animation....May be the result is not as good as professional...I must see more tutorial in youtube about how to make animation like you want....It need more time...
Thanks a lot. Till tomorrow I will write you what should be the final files. Could you still do the animation , just for lettring in black . Something like starting with d and roll out like infinity moovment?
It was supossed to have 7 days to finalise the process. It was so stressful to me that I rush and press the button, chose the winner. I´ve already sent te complain letter to LT. What can I do now, I even can not see te latest logos you have send to me.
You are welcome and you were the best in this competition!
But pls wait.
I did not tell you yet - what are the final files. It is my mistake , becaouse I understand that I shuould to chose the winner designer after Finalist phase is over. And only afterword I work with chosen designer to finalise the logo and declination.
This is slimmer than version 2, right? Could you pls make the square version of that in:
1 yellow (new one) backroun.
2 black e grey background with white letters.
3. pink-orange background with yellow letters.
Thank a lot.
Hello. how are you?
Could we run one more insights:
1. Make a lettring a bot thicker.
2. Make background more a bit more vivid yellow.
3. Make the frame rectangular.
Not that yellow. Could you follow the same instruction:1. There will be 2 basic logo inclination: background white (done) and yellow (122C) rectangular frame - could you simulate pls?
2. Would like to test logo inclination for dark background page: black, gray (420U) , yellow (122C), pinky red (164U). Thank you very much,
Could you do propose here animation ? Like all letters are inside the "d" , and than they are rolling out on the right, than push back a bit, til they stabilize in regular form. What do you think?
Hi. It is creasy creative, Congrats! But right now looks very heavy and industrial. Could you do new insights, some color? And please cancel sub-logo . Thank you very much.
Comment Activity
Please the screen shot link https://www.dropbox.com/s/hxzs532ectj8ny6/screenshot1%20deed.jpg?dl=0
I upload the files and notice that principal Logo ( square format) has white frame around it. It suppose not to have anything, once the logo is é square with lettering inside. Could you please correct it.
Many thanks
Nurwan Budiman
I will prepare the final files.
Just for information : For the file format that has ability to contain multiple pages in one file (AI,PDF,EPS) I can send you one file that contain multiple pages ( because logo tournament only allow, in final file transfer,one file for each format.
For other format that can not contain multiple pages (only one page for a file : PNG, SVG) I can send you only one file, and the rest via email.
I hope you understand
Thank you very much for your smooth collaboration and wonderful designs. We can now start to produce final files, total 11.
1. White background with 20% of transparency and lettering totally transparent.
2. Black background with 30% of transparency and lettering totally transparent.
Feel free to ask
Because the letter is white, I give the black background so that you see it. In the final files, I will remove the black background
A. There will be 3 lettering logo declination ( no background) :
1. Lettering in black.
2. Lettering in white.
3. Lettering in yellow ( the last yellow, what is panton?)
4- Lettering in gray.
B. There will be 3 square logo declination with background :
5. Lettering in black and yellow background (done)
6. Lettering in white and black background (done)
7. Lettering in yellow and black background .
Thankfully LT let me go back with process , so our regular channel of communication is reestablish :).
But what you did already with other logo, was preatty cool!
But pls wait.
I did not tell you yet - what are the final files. It is my mistake , becaouse I understand that I shuould to chose the winner designer after Finalist phase is over. And only afterword I work with chosen designer to finalise the logo and declination.
We still have couple of days to finish.
1 yellow (new one) backroun.
2 black e grey background with white letters.
3. pink-orange background with yellow letters.
Thank a lot.
Feel free to ask...
Could we run one more insights:
1. Make a lettring a bot thicker.
2. Make background more a bit more vivid yellow.
3. Make the frame rectangular.
2. Would like to test logo inclination for dark background page: black, gray (420U) , yellow (122C), pinky red (164U). Thank you very much,
1. There will be 2 basic logo inclination: background white (done) and yellow (122C) rectangular frame - could you simulate pls?
2. Would like to test logo inclination for dark background page: black, gray (420U) , yellow (122C), pinky red (164U). Thank you very much,
It may happen I will go for night sleep, so do not worry if I will not give a feedback. Thanks a lot!
Feel free to ask