like the colors better in #56, but like the green image better in #38 with the one rounded corner. Almost looks like you incorporated the "D" in DecisionOne with the "G" in Glodyne. I like that, even if that was not the intention, but would like to see other options to incorporate the "1" in the image.
also, I would like to see the word "Decision" in #56 bolder so the letters are thicker, as an option.
#109--I'm not liking the treatment to the "i". can we do something down the middle of all the letters showing movement? Technology moves fast so I would like to show movement. I'm liking what I seeing though.
I'm not able to tell the difference between #128 and #129. also, on both it looks like the "D" is smaller than the rest of the letters.
Can we make the blue and green brighter and more vibrant?
the Glodyne I would like in gray and instead of three lines next to Glodyne, what about one fat line that has either a blue or green gradiant that matches the other colors?
I'm still not loving it. How about remove the line and move "Glodyne" to the far right. Also, can you fade the color to a little darker on the DecisionOne. I would like to see a little more depth. Thx!