If you are wanting to superimpose this at the top where your name is already, I kept this simple with a dark complimenting color so not to get lost in the details of the fabric
Hello. Thank so so much for actually looking at my website! I do like the font of #40, but the flower is a tad "yoga studio" for me. I like the graphic of your #34 (a single color for my website maybe, then full color on a business card, letter head, etc). I like the brown/pink/white combo. Would love to see a line above my name: textiles and clothing or textiles & clothing in the lower case like "appraisals". I have not asked for that yet from anyone for some reason. Maybe put the graphic "quilt-type flower" thing on the left, a vertical line to separate, then the name, appraisal information stacked on the right - sort of setting it up like the one I have ranked #2. Thanks again for your work and ideas. Deborah
I appreciate your focus and ideas with my website. I like #42 best (the logo filled in with light color). Can you put "and" or "&" between textiles and clothing, otherwise it looks like I sell the stuff AND do appraisals. Also, Can I please see it on a white background, as it might be used that way in letterhead, etc. Thanks so much again. I am trying to give feedback in a timely manner!
Can I see design #42, in green and blue colorways (not necessarily together though they may be used in together in the abstract logo you have designed.) I don;t mind the pink, but I LOVE the green background in my website the most. Also, I need the word AND or the sign "&" added to the bottom tag line. A\I really like hte brown lettering. Many thanks for your work.
Here is one with complimenting green and blue going by the colors on your website. The colors are Pantone equivalents as close as I could get. They can be converted to RGB as you will need them for the website and pantones will be needed by a professional printer.
Nice color. Can you show me more "modern" font, like #62. Keep the entire tag line (maybe lower case as you have it). Also, please make it "textile and clothing appraisals" (singular textile not plural). Many thanks.
OK. I also do like your #12. Can I see it with new font (not so art nouveau), I neglected to say that I liked the font of #29 too. Try it with the whole four-word tag line.
Hate to say I am losing some faith in the graphic. Too quilt-like? Old fashioned? I do lots of high end contemp clothes and think I am responding to more modern graphics. Will respond more when I am off the road!
In an effort to modify to something more modern for you, this could be 1 or more colors, negative or positive space on the icon with the previous colors to compliment the colors on your website. This is actually made from the delta.
Thank you so much for all your ideas and variations. My profile was a little different from most contest and you were the one to start and give me an abstract textile reminiscent graphic. It has been a pleasure to work with you, though in general I found the process so much more challenging than I expected. I thought of myself as a visual person but you graphic designers are another breed....!
The one of yours I ranked #10 is too Celtic Cross. But I like the font and the balance. And the other one, #27, was too quilt-like in the end. I am very open to trying a logo that hints at fashion without being a tacky silhouette of a dress or dress-makers mannequin. Not sure if it is possible though. I think it would mean a whole new shape for the logo.
Hi Deborah, Thank you for your direction...you may add all general comments directly on your contest wall for other designers to see. What you are asking here will help everyone as it is a specific new direction. You will get closer to what you are looking to see. Remember to be specific, e.g. images, colors, styles, fonts and font style, etc. will help greatly. You can even post an example attachments. Designers will not copy if you don't own the rights to them. Any specific changes to a designer's work that you like add comments directly on their wall.
This certainly is going in a completely different direction but I thought I would try. Problem is along more fine art style once finished it is time consuming to edit. But it was fun.
Just one more like this with a reposition and a minor change on the hat and your added tag line. Enlarged in area a bit, don't know if you can see the facial lines at this size. Any colors could be used.
Thank you for throwing something out in this vein. I guess my first inclination away from any thing fashion-y was right. I do so appreciate you showing me these options though. #142 is still a favorite - in fact I return to it often even though it is "ranked" 11th. Just the graphic is not quite right. not sure if you have more patience with me - but I have really liked your work. Thanks. Hope you have a good night where ever you are!
maybe not so celtic with element multiplied. Looks like a funnel cake or a doily. Something that may help you if you aren't seeing what you would like yet...add to the general comments area exactly what you would like to see, the best you can, e.g. what does 'hints at fashion' mean to you?