#1 is nearly exactly our existing logo... please do NOT orientate on our existing logo as posted before #2 + #3 the flipchart idea was also the main idea in our old concept, please no flipchart (at least not that simple) or arrows, more elegancy and graphical depth
#14 I like the idea how you put the letters together into one emblem.... also that you tried to put it into an object like in #13 ... but nicer would be a globe ... and in general im not a big fan of the colour "grey" .... but to form a nice emblem is interesting .... the positioning and arrangement in #9 is also interesting with different emblem and different font
#15 I like the signature style of "de Win". Im wondering how it would look like to put a signatured "de Win", under it a normal nice font of "Consulting" and left a nice emblem
I'm wondering how a combination of #21 (the emblem) and #23 (all the rest with signature) might look like. I know its difficult because the emblem is more static and the signature part is more dynamic but maybe u find a way to combine it somehow : )
#33 is my favourite now even if i also like #21. Honestly, I really like the combination of the emblem and the handwriting now. : )
I would just like to try a few things on #33 : Please check if it looks better to make the emblem a bit smaller and the "Business Competence Systems" darker. The #21 looks a bit more homogene from the colours and im not yet sure why. Maybe because of the dark blue "WIN"... or maybe also the "CONSULTING" a bit darker in #33. If we manage it to make the colours look homogene in #33, I guess we have it then.
thanks for the logos. My wife and me have a fight, if the sentence "Business Competence Systems" should be left grey or keep being darker in #45 and #33 . : ) I still also like the #21. In the handwritten of #45 you use light blue for "de" and darker blue for "Win" .... can you try both in light blue? Can you do a variation then with and without the sentence "Business Competence Systems"?