#2 see where you're going, but its De Hallen Studio's, as one name, in your design the studio's are a sublet of De Hallen (which is also true, but we want to brand us as a different type of studio's.
# 6, # 5, #3 more like a sports club, not a good image for us
Can you explain better what should i do on #2 to better suit you? Do you want "DE HALLEN STUDIO" with the same lettering? Or like they bellow toghether right?
I'm not sure : it's definitley De Hallen Studio's, as far as I'm concerned one name, one font, one colour. I'm not sure about the round emblem, could also be a beer brand... and De Hallen as a complex are about rectangles, hard lines, much brickwork (for amsterdam what azulejos are for Portugal). It's about old fashioned building and quality.
Hi, I like #50, but there 4 doors, and the doors are not right. Look at the other entries (large windows in the top half). Can you try something with 4 doors and 2 roofs?
# 51, I like the idea of the floorplan of the studio's in the background. I'm thinking about how to get it in your direction, so you can try to use it.
Sorry for the late reply. I was at a wedding today.
Done some revisions for your appreciation. Let me know what do you think.
Will regards your´s own thinkings on #51 please, like you said on the comment above.
About the public question you made. Please try to upload the image in this website: http://postimage.org/. Then post the link. The image is *.jpeg?
If you having a hard time doing this please contact support to help you: https://logotournament.com/help/client. At the weekend they don´t work i think. But on monday they can give you a help, if mine doesn´t work.