While we like these designs (particularly #3), we feel that both design #3 and #5 have something of a corporate feel to them, and we are a grassroots, community-based non-profit. #5 is a touch too slick and non-organic feeling. Because the Washington Monument is such a symbol of power, it's very important to us that this be undercut/overgrown with organic and natural components. #3 feels like it has potential. We like that the design is clean, but as an organization, we are involved with gardens and plants. We'd love to see some plant elements introduced into it.
Hi there! We really like the direction this is moving in. Here are some specific comments on #11 (which is our favorite of your submissions). - The font isn't working for us. Can you try all lowercase? We would also prefer if the green in the font didn't have a fade to it. -We're not crazy about the underline on the logo. -We'd prefer if there was no black in the design (we're torn on the grey - half of us don't like it, and half don't mind it). Can you find other tones for the Monument? You might want to play with two tones of green for the lettering (dc in one shade, greens in another). -We'd like to see the vine snaking in front at the top of the monument, so that it really feels like the monument is wrapped in vines. - Could there be one more leaf at the top right? - this is just a thought, but if the font was lowercase, could the 'g' of greens turn into the vine going up the monument? We'd have to see it...
- can you join the vine to the letter 'g' so that it's smooth? We find the break distracting. - we really like the dark green that you're using at the base of the vine - can the word 'greens' be in that color too? That should also help with the smoothing out mentioned above. - since that's the same green you're using for 'dc', perhaps 'dc' should be a different shade of green? It's also ok if they're the same green. We'd have to see both to be sure. - Can you make the leaf at the very top a bit bigger? - please try to make the vine line show in front of the monument from the top left set of leaves down at an angle. Right now it looks like the vine is growing behind the monument, and we want it to wrap the monument.
Thanks so much! Can't wait to see the next version!
We really love this design (#21). It's ranked second, but it's very, very close to first. There are a couple of changes that we'd like to see:
- Can you make the monument grey, like in #23? - Can the "tail" of the 'g' be lengthened alittle? Right now the dip in the tail feels too shallow. - Can you try to put 'dc' in a shade of grey? We also liked the two-shades of green, but the contrast between the green colors was too much in #22 (or maybe we just didn't love the shade of green that you used for 'dc' there...).
The design is extremely elegant and polished. One of the main reasons that this is ranked second is because - although we love it - we are still wondering if it conveys our work with children. I'm not sure if this is something that can be addressed graphically with this design or not, but I just wanted to let you know that so you can think about it.
I really like #37. Can you lengthen the straight part of the 'g' down more, so that it hangs down below the rest of the logo? It feels alittle too flat at the moment.