This looks fantastic, thank you so much for the revisions!
Will you please make the tagline a bit larger?
Will you please refer back to the butterfly that I included when launching this tournament. Please note the color orange in the top wings. Will you please add more of that orange to the top wings of the butterfly in this logo?
This one also looks wonderful! I’d like to see the revisions that I requested on the other logo, added to this version too because I’m trying to choose between the two different sizes of Dawn.
Concerning Dawn, will you please move Dawn to the right until the space between the D and the left wing is equal to the space between the n and the right wing?
And will you please remove the bold from the two two sentences under the butterfly?
This is looking magnificent! Thank you so much for your time and energy.
Concerning Dawn, will you please move Dawn to the right until the space between the D and the left wing is equal to the space between the n and the right wing?
And will you please remove the bold from the two two sentences under the butterfly?
This is soooo beautiful and soooo close! Thank you for making the revisions.
Will you please make Dawn quite a bit smaller? We love how the antenna intersects with the D. So if you need to make the antennas shore that is absolutely fine.
I apologize in advance for some of the requests that I’m about to make - I’m working with a team of folks who have very strong opinions
Will you please erase the yellow border around the butterfly?
Will you please make Dawn smaller and black so that it is easier to read?
Under the butterfly will you please add Rev. Dr. Dawn Riley Duval in bold black in a font that is similar to Times New Roman? Under Rev. Dr. Dawn Riley Duval, please keep Nurturing Experiences of Wholeness.
So that it is easy to read Dawn, will you please raise Dawn slightly? Will you please make the black border thicker on Dawn? I like the butterfly antenna in the D but the other antenna does not have to be in the w.
So far you have done the best job providing a feminine font for DAWN. Thank you so much! When you make DAWN arch over the butterfly, it is absolutely fine if only one of the antennae interconnect with DAWN.
Also the tagline looks great. Thank you! There are a few other artists who are providing a very vivid butterfly so if you can make the butterfly more vivid that will be great.
Thank you for the feedback
I've made the changes and uploaded them to #45#46.
If you need any more changes Ill be glad to make them.
Thanks again and kind regards
I really like this, thank you for developing it! Will you please implement the following updates:
* Will you please fill in the body so that it is all BLACK
* Will you please make the BLACK body of the butterfly a bit shorter
* Will you please make the white spots on the bottom wings more circular, and white
* Will you please make the white spots on the very outside of the top wings more circular and white
* Will you please make the interior of DAWN the same color YELLOW as the bottom wings
Comment Activity
I've made the changes requested and uploaded the new designs to #152 #153
Thanks and kind regards
Will you please make the color in the top wings more orange and less brown?
Will you please remove the bold from the two sentences under the butterfly?
Thank you!
Will you please make the tagline a bit larger?
Will you please refer back to the butterfly that I included when launching this tournament. Please note the color orange in the top wings. Will you please add more of that orange to the top wings of the butterfly in this logo?
Thank you!
Thank you for the valuable feedback.
Ive made the changes and uploaded the new concepts to #127 #126
Thanks again and kind regards
Concerning Dawn, will you please move Dawn to the right until the space between the D and the left wing is equal to the space between the n and the right wing?
And will you please remove the bold from the two two sentences under the butterfly?
Thank you!
Concerning Dawn, will you please move Dawn to the right until the space between the D and the left wing is equal to the space between the n and the right wing?
And will you please remove the bold from the two two sentences under the butterfly?
Thank you!
And then will you please make both of those lines bold?
Will you please make Dawn quite a bit smaller? We love how the antenna intersects with the D. So if you need to make the antennas shore that is absolutely fine.
Thank you!
Will you please erase the yellow border around the butterfly?
Will you please make Dawn smaller and black so that it is easier to read?
Under the butterfly will you please add Rev. Dr. Dawn Riley Duval in bold black in a font that is similar to Times New Roman? Under Rev. Dr. Dawn Riley Duval, please keep Nurturing Experiences of Wholeness.
Thank you!
So that it is easy to read Dawn, will you please raise Dawn slightly? Will you please make the black border thicker on Dawn? I like the butterfly antenna in the D but the other antenna does not have to be in the w.
Will you please remove italics from the tagline?
Thank you!
Also the tagline looks great. Thank you! There are a few other artists who are providing a very vivid butterfly so if you can make the butterfly more vivid that will be great.
Thank you!
And, will you have DAWN arch slightly over the butterfly?
Thank you for the feedback
I've made the changes and uploaded them to #45 #46.
If you need any more changes Ill be glad to make them.
Thanks again and kind regards
* Will you please fill in the body so that it is all BLACK
* Will you please make the BLACK body of the butterfly a bit shorter
* Will you please make the white spots on the bottom wings more circular, and white
* Will you please make the white spots on the very outside of the top wings more circular and white
* Will you please make the interior of DAWN the same color YELLOW as the bottom wings
Thank you so much!