I apologize in advance for some of the requests that I’m about to make - I’m working with a team of folks who have very strong opinions
Will you please erase the yellow border around the butterfly?
Will you please make Dawn straight rather than slightly arched? And will you make Dawn smaller?
Under the butterfly will you please add Rev. Dr. Dawn Riley Duval in bold black in a font that is similar to Times New Roman? Under Rev. Dr. Dawn Riley Duval, please keep Nurturing Experiences of Wholeness.
This is looking great! I really love how vivid the butterfly is. Will you please make try to find a more feminine font for DAWN? Please make sure the BLACK outline stays thick so that it is easy to read.
I really like this, thank you for developing it! Will you please implement the following updates:
* Will you please place DAWN slightly arching over the top wings
* Will you only capitalize the first letter of each word in the tagline
* Will you make the tagline flat rather than arched
* Will you make the font bold for the tagline
Comment Activity
Will you please erase the yellow border around the butterfly?
Will you please make Dawn straight rather than slightly arched? And will you make Dawn smaller?
Under the butterfly will you please add Rev. Dr. Dawn Riley Duval in bold black in a font that is similar to Times New Roman? Under Rev. Dr. Dawn Riley Duval, please keep Nurturing Experiences of Wholeness.
Thank you!
Will you please lower Dawn slightly?
Will you please make the butterfly’s antennas touch Dawn?
Will you please raise the tagline slightly?
Thank you!
Will you please make the tagline have a font that is more feminine? So a font that is more similar to Arial rather than Times New Roman.
Thank you!
* Will you please place DAWN slightly arching over the top wings
* Will you only capitalize the first letter of each word in the tagline
* Will you make the tagline flat rather than arched
* Will you make the font bold for the tagline
Thank you so much!