That is pretty fuckin' cool. Not exactly what I am looking for, but who knows with something this good! See my other designs for what direction I am heading.
Nice! You know the city. Right, and the river under the city! Where were you at the beginning of the competition? They are pretty strongly graphic and I am looking for something a little less strong, but... I like how creative and relevant they are though.
If you want a little feedback in terms of a buyers is always nice to have someone early who you end up going back and forth with. Helps refine and bond. Try to start early with any client's logo and try to get him to bite...then work with him. You may go so far that you leave others behind...
happy you like it Sir, i have never been to the the city but i did a little research before hand so i could come up with a more informed Concept. i really am great full for the comments, no CH has ever left feedback like that before, i certainly will take all of this into consideration. hope you can host another competition soon and we can work together.