Here is my design. I created an isotype from the initials "DHD" and joined the Manhattan skyline in the background to give a special character of luxury. If you have any comments please let me know.
Hey Daniel, well done. I like the basic design. I don't know how this would look but how about something like daviDHDupuy (but with the first uppercase D backwards of course.) I would like it to have fewer levels (it has three right now.) Also, if you could play around with the H as film stock (sprocket holes) maybe that could be interesting. Anyway, good job so far. David
By the way, it does communicate luxury and a kind of sophistication. Can't really decide between the black and the silver. Like the strong graphic of the black but also like the light effect on the silver. I know this might be maddening, but my company was named 14th Street Photography and I don't mind a gritty urban feel either if you are feeling inspired.
Nice, thanks. Entry 16 looks good. #19 I also like -- no flair on the inside H. Can't decide which is better. I like lower case letter in my name. What about "Photography" starting with the lowercase "p" and running to the "y". And having my p and y in my name being the beginning of the word photography? The film sprocket holes and the city might be too busy, but maybe not. What about the city sitting on top of the H? With little windows maybe? Or the H could have city windows dotting up to the middle of the H which then turn into bigger, evenly spaced sprocket holes... Anyway, nice work!
Thanks Daniel. On entry #21 I meant the city on the crossbar of the H, not on the top! I like what you did on Entry #22. Now I have to decide if it works! Can you make the DHD smaller so it fits in a bit more with the other text. Also, I like a bit more spacing between the non-icon letters. Nice work and thanks!
Thanks for the updates! I think I like either: (1) city at the bottom with low buildings in the middle getting bigger as they move to the sides and then the H has windows that once they go up turn into film sprocket holes or (2) the city in the middle of the H that is a mirror image of a city and either film sprocket holes all the way up or windows of buildings going from the center to sprocket holes at the top and bottom. Thanks for your work. David