I think you're on to something here! I like the "wave" effect in there (helping to represent the water of the Great Lake State). I'm thinking though I'd like to see the State enlarged and maybe play with the font in my name with some different variations. I do like the font (times new roman italicized) in the slogan. Otherwise, I like the colors used. Thank you!
#41... I know you mentioned doing some more, but just thought of three things. 1) Enlarge the state - the wave size looks good. 2) Place slogan in quotes and maybe darken the font a little. 3) This idea/thought came from another design that was submitted... in the slogan, do some kind of slight swirl underline of the words "Your Move" and change the color of these two words to the darker blue already in the design. Thanks.
P.S. I don't know if you see the other designs that are submitted or not, but if you do, thought number 3 above references #35. If you can't see the other designs, then I guess this P.S. won't mean much.
resubmited w/your changes but think it looks clener and more classy without quote marks on slogan. I like things to be clean and not a lot going on and easy to print.