Would it be possible to provide the design #86 with the word data is one colour (orange) and the word trap in a separate blue, as per your designs 74 and 75 (orange and blue though).
Do we have the option of another font?
Can the image be provided with an alpha backgraound?
Regarding the design presently ranked #1, could you possibly indicate what formats the logo can be provided in? I gather Illustraor but could it also be made available in Corel Draw.
Could you also indicate the font type that has been used such that I could match it with others.
Thanks again. One final question before I complete the judging.
The logo has a transparent background (alphoa channel I beleive) The logo can be provided as an EPS and also a Corel Draw image The logo without the text could be provided such that I can make an icon for the computer package from it If you advise of the font type such that I could marry it up with opther headings in the program