Hi miss Dasie, I've submitted another improved & detailed illustration as #124 which is a more improved version of entry #48..
I forgot to mention you one more thing that is I'm a professional artist & character visualizer.You can check my own profile logo which I've painted on "Digital Tablet"..I'm also professional in manual art as well...I illustrated that scene after observing the original expressions & scenario.
In that new version I created the scene as a kid steering at the daisy flower & a colorful butterflies with a hope ..She is thinking that one day her life will be free(like other flying butterflies) & will be so colorful like a butterfly(sitting on a daisy flower)& will be more fresh(like a daisy flower)..And the sun & it's rays representing the new hope(like a new morning)
That logo is very professional,unique & corporate looking with complete feels & looks...Hope you'll like my conceptual logo.
Thanks alot for you entire feedbacks & encouragements.