I like both #174 and #176. Can you use a darker font on "record retrieval...."
Can you enter 176 with a white background?
I want to show a little movement. Any thoughts?
If you're willing, if you could extend the slanted line (the piece that defines the bottom of R) a bit up through the D and have that mark taper down into those dots you have? It could even extend down below the D a little too. Does that make sense?
Great job! 210 is exactly what I was trying to describe. 212 is interesting too.
210 is top 3 for sure. Could you make a few changes. -The name is Dash Records, could you add the "s"? - Could you try it with a solid color font for Dash and Records? Either same blue, black, or dark gray. - I also kinda liked the reflection you had on 176, It is possible to add that back to it to see what it looks like with new icon? -Could you enlarge the letter mark a little relative to the text?