We are SO EXCITED about this!!! We discussed yesterday after receiving some entries it might be better to create a mascot instead of just a logo. A full length Smile Guy. We can call him Mr. Smiles. You may be the person we need to create this. So here are our thoughts: 1. The eyes may look too much like a cartoon. I think the left eye being SO big is what we don't like. Perhaps the left eye should be the same size as the right. 2. The collar looks like it doesn't belong. It actually looks like tissue paper that a barber puts in your collar when you get a haircut. Or when a movie star is in makeup they use the paper to protect their collar. So that part we do not like..it looks wrong. 3. Try adding the rest of the body - don't worry about the name of the company and trying to incorporate it.. Just create a full length person.
I think you are going to win this! We are VERY EXCITED!