I know you want your silhouette in there I just made this until I get that image. Is it the same one on your Facebook page? I was first drawn to your contest because we named our daughter, now 21 months old, Estrella. Her middle name is Fleura. Do you DJ all over the world or mainly NY or US? Looking forward to making you the perfect identity. Thank you - Kent
Pretty cool that you are in Miami. I'm just across the state in Naples. I did the logo for the number one Lamborghini dealership in Miami (Prestige). He's good friends with Romain Zago of Mynt. Take care - Kent
Hey Kent, I appreciate your time. The silhouette is the right one. Is there any way to manipulate it? I dj anywhere and everywhere I can. I was in Asia last month. I go where the party is lol.
Let me know what changes you would like to see and I'll make them. In this phase I would have to be ranked in the top five to be able to submit entries.
Happy New Year to you and yours. I did a wedding last night, it was actually better than doing a club lol.
I ranked you in the top 5. In #46, can you make the N's capital or perhaps adjust the font? I showed it to a few ppl and they mentioned it can be confused as "daddy" lol.
I have over 20 years experience and I really think my designs will work the best for you. I'm here for you long after the contest is over if you need anything.
Hey, I'm really into your designs. Sorry I've been absent from this, but getting back home took a bit. I'd like to have you design the logo. I need to have something a bit closer to the #33 Initials and the A's as stars. Can you work that into your #63?
Or, can you make the D in #63 the reverse E with a solid vertical line.
I would like to work with you, please let me know if you are willing to hook this up. I would like to select a winner asap.
Hey Kent, Sorry it took a while. So many wheels turning. Thanks for working with me. I asked a few ppl for feedback and i think we have a few different ideas, but for the most part you nailed it.
Thank you Danny. I just uploaded the winning files. Please use the approve files button to complete the LT portion. Then if you need anything else, they can be sent via email.