140 and 143 variations we like. pls use this two variations 'fashion for everyone' our catchword and also we want to see this two variations 'Daniel Klein' wording D and K big letter others small letter but different font. pls also send us apposıte versıon of thıs desıgn.(ıf danıel kleın logo you see ın black color send us also ın whıte color ıf backround ıs whıte color send us black color backround)
Hello DK, I will have to be out of office for a couple days and I will be back on wednesday night. If you have any specific requests, I can help you during the next couple hours and then on wednesday. I hope this is not a problem.
congruculatıons!our boss ıs not easy man select very dıffıculty.fınally our boss select your logo desıgn thanks also we want to keep ın contact wıth you pls leave us your e-maıl address our maıl add ıs ınfo@danielklein.com.tr pls send us all versıons of thıs logo desıgn ıf you have any dıfferent ıdea of thıs logo desıgn pls also make and send us.
our logo color before we use dark blue and whıte.pls let us your ıdea whıch color combınatıon we use wıth your logo desıgn.gıve us wordıng color and backround color your ıdea.