Menangan, the dark blue version of this logo seems to have disappeared. I like them both but I think I'm going with the darker blue. Can you please repost?
Hi there, Winner! I was wondering if we can try adding the book under Dallas on this one? Please and thank you. I think that will effectively close out the contest so you can cash in your winnings :-) Thanks!!
Thank you for putting my design in the first rank. I've uploaded some revised designs. let me know if you need changes. I'm sorry, during the contest, I'm not allowed to communicate outside the contest.
OK, I put you at number one. Hope that fixes it? My cell is 619-804-8180 if you care to shoot me a text to discuss ideas. Honestly I'm happy with how it is but don't want to rule out small tweaks to the design. So excited....... I'll be traveling today and will check back later.
Menangan, this is my favorite logo for. It's nearly perfect but I don't want to jump the gun. Folks have suggested the following and I wondered if you could play around with their ideas: "I think maybe make "Dallas the Voice" larger and the mic smaller? I think maybe the mic is more the focus and your moniker is too small." "Maybe “wrap” the words around the monk logo to make it more focused, if that makes sense."
Excited? I am! I'm super stoked about your work and I am so thankful!!!
Menagan, I want you to know your designs are excellent. Somehow I don't have you ranked in the top 5 because I'm learning LogoTournament as I go. You are one of my top contenders so please keep the ideas flowing. Thank you and great work!
Also...... Any chance an open library book could be incorporated into this somehow? I'm doing readings from literary works so I don't want to ignore that component. Thx.
This is excellent. Not positive about the font so maybe try some variations on that. I'd say this is top 5 material as it is. You listened to the instructions. Well done. Many thanks.
Very, very clever. I'm an artist myself and it's hard to tell you what this is missing. The font is overwhelming; perhaps script instead? I like this simplicity but feel like the microphone needs more detail. Conceptually this is a really neat design. Nice blue. Thank you.
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Excited? I am! I'm super stoked about your work and I am so thankful!!!