I'm digging this lol I don't like the placement so much as it makes it have a awkward bottom but I love the idea. I'm seeing it as E = Medical Cannabis lol
niceee, let's remove the grey dots from background and put a splash of rosin splatter, and change back out for the terp vial instead of the vape pen. I'm liking it! Thanks bro!
Still liking the style the other font was done in, tight together with the black stroke and background, can you try more fonts. and not sure what you think, but is it possible to give it a emblem look/feel? I love the scientist/professor, not wild about the thumbs up still rather see him holding on it like it's his baby but also could see it as it's tucked under his arm and he is giving thumbs up. lol hard to say it's a killer design, love it.
Other ideas for him to do instead of thumbs up or maybe instead of holding the pot leaf... dab rig, tiny plant starting to grow, medicinal RX bag, torch with fire coming out. Also when changing the background to the rosin squish change color of tv as i feel the tv color may work good for the splatter. Looking forward to seeing more!
totally digging the design concept. Could you try another type of pot leaf for the professor to be holding, also instead of the dots background can you try a golden rosin squash kinda like a ink splatter almost. and change the color of the tv so it doesn't blend. Also let's see some more font options! Thanks bro! https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/29/65/e1/2965e191eae5d0a9b15fcfe8d1e300d9.jpg
Comment Activity
1. cleaned up the lower jaw line, got ride of the jowel flab. Looks more youthful
2. cleaned up eye brows
3. cleaned up cannabis leaf
4. revised teh TV antenna cap looks much better
5 Minor edit to the back splash looks better
6. revised teh .TV play button to suit the the main text.
Also the grey bubbles/dots can you replace with a rosin squish/splatter similar to one like (link https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51AkQCpjyPL._SX342_.jpg) Not such a fan of the new fonts.
Other ideas for him to do instead of thumbs up or maybe instead of holding the pot leaf... dab rig, tiny plant starting to grow, medicinal RX bag, torch with fire coming out. Also when changing the background to the rosin squish change color of tv as i feel the tv color may work good for the splatter. Looking forward to seeing more!