I like the script writing but would like it to be more clear. I would also like to see a bit more color. Maybe a baby blue color would work, otherwise I'd like to see other colors too. I don't like that the whisk is so large and would like to see it smaller. Thank you.
#2 Can we make this more of a pastel color blue? I like the font. Not sure I'm loving the blue with orange, or maybe we can try a lighter blue with a lighter orange? I want the writing to be broken up by : A healthy Mix ; for your dessert fix. Any other ideas on where to place the whisk? maybe you can incorporate it with the last letter "s" as though you were drawing the word "cutiepies" with the top of the whisk. Thanks.
#9 I would like to see the whisk below the writing instead of to the side. The "s" can be dragged down as well so it's attached to the top of the whisk. I hope that makes sense... I would like to see how this looks but also, do you have any other ideas? Maybe a whisk that looks different or smaller. Thanks.
#28. We like this concept, perhaps we can see what it looks like without the whisk in these, it seems a bit cluttered. We're also wondering what a spatula would look like instead of a whisk in some of the other logos that you created - just an idea. We like the colors in #28 but we like how the border is finished in the other examples. We also like where the "NY" is placed in #19, 23, 24. Thanks for all your hard work! These look great.
Entry #99 This looks really great, just what we're looking for - however... we don't like the border, we'd like to remove the bird, and the below text needs to be moved down or spaced better so that it is readable. Lets just keep the black text for now without any border or background. Also can we remove the green leaves on the flower so it's just the flower. Lets also try placing the flower on different letters to see which looks best, for example: we'd like to see it on the "T", the "Y" in you and the "u". Thanks! Shira
#104 I'm liking this a lot!! Lets remove the smaller text - I'm not completely satisfied with the placement of the flower, maybe there should be two to balance it, i'm not quite sure...any other ideas on where to put it? Maybe we can put one on the upper left of the T but not touching and one on the lower part of the u but not touching either - so they are diagonal... Thanks!
#104, can we remove the subtext and place the flower at the bottom of the u instead of on the top. I'm liking this black text and don't think we even need the yellow, although I like the yellow and may want to use it later in a sticker for my package. Also, will I be able to get the subtext separate from you so that I can place it on my sticker later? I just don't think I need to subtext to always be on the logo. Thanks!!