Thank you for your ranking. Would love to know your thoughts. Personally, I really feel the entry which is a G separated by a cut; It does give that extra wow effect in terms of aesthetics and enclosures the brand very well.
Really impressed with your entries. Clearly our favorites so far. You've understood our brief & translated it very well into a logo. At this stage we will be consulting with our staff tomorrow to narrow down the top 5. Thank you very much for your contributions! Please keep them coming if you have anymore ideas.
Looking at the balance of the logo translated onto a business card & website we're wondering if you place the picture next to the wording what this would look like?. No ones actually given us this option they've all shown it above the text. Just trying something different! Many thanks
I'm actually working on a version with the text on the right of the mark :)
It won't mean that you will have ONE version. The same logo can actually be represented by several options i.e: according to the media space (banners, flyer, etc)
I've just spoken with the boss and we would like to work exclusively with you & we're wondering if you could mock up versions of all the logos you've provided us using this new layout. To allow us to see which logo is going to work best along side the business name. Many thanks again for your help on this, much appreciated.