This is the first entry that I regard as a truly sophisticated entry. The more I sit with it the more I like it. Maybe it is number 1. If you saw my last post, I also am open to a redo of my present logo. That is at which I only mention for you to see the logo, not the we page. The web page is being redone and is at
I changed my mind. I actually would like to see you adjust my present logo with color changes / new colors. If you are inclined to do so. I still really like yours. But would like to see what you could do with mine. Again, I respect your time and would completely understand if you chose not to do so.
I am wondering if you might do a variation, just one color since shape is what counts. I am curious if the letters were slightly thicker, how that would affect the design. I understand that you would likely have to also create a slightly bigger circle to accommodate the fonts. What I love about the present design is the elegant way it fits the elements: c and b both share the curve of the circle. And nothing is straining to create an effect. It just works. But, I wonder if slightly, not a big change, but a small increase in thickness might create a sense of more strength. Then, it would be elegant and strong. But, I realize that changing one thing can blow up the whole thing.
No problem Sir, thanks for the feedback. Was really worried for the past few days cause new entries that are coming were just the same concept as mine. Somehow I was relieved because you noticed it. Thank you!
I will submit more entries Sir. I have new concepts in mind which I will submit later.
Yes, I was surprised that they would just copy your design. I understand that they are motivated to give me what they think I want. But, they lose their creativity when copying and once that is lost, they are not going to be giving their best work. Also, it seems unfair to copy someone like they have been.