Thanx for your submission. We like your idea of being more stylized. Can you run with this idea and give us different versions of Cupid? Maybe Cupid in different positions (standing, laying, looking back, face front, kneeling, etc)?
Very cute! But it looks too much like Dennis the Menace and an automative decal.
Please try the following:
- no halo - change hair type (try curly hair) - change body shape (just not appealing, should look at it and say "cute")
Also, please look at the attachment badboy_logo.jpg. Can you make a Cupid in that vain? For instance:
- his character - his energy - it's recognizable
We know Cupid does not wear a hat, but it would be interesting to see a sample with one, but also without.
Will you please look at the attached sample pages? The Cupid will be placed on the right side of the CupidLies Sometimes text that you see on the pages. So your illustration should fit well with those pages.
Note: You do not have to add the text CupidLies Sometimes to your illustration. Cupid only.
We think you're doing such a great job and have the skillset to eventually capture what we want. Cupid should be cute and adorable. People should see our logo and think "sneaky, but cute and innocent."