Hello Ysonmez, Thank you for designs! I just visited your portfolio and WOW-- beautiful work and amazing variance in your designs (I am sure that I am not using the correct "lingo" for the design world)! Anyway, very impressive and I am glad to have you on board for my project. I hesitate to rank your submissions, since they are not exactly what I am looking for (but am by no means married to the colors/ designs of the current other designs). After looking over your portfolio, some of your designs that I really liked were (in order on your port): Love-Your-Life U. (pizazz); Farming our future (liked the colors and realistic-ness of the graphics); Life Stages; and RealFood/ whole health (liked the colors and image graphics). Please continue with me! Thank you!
As for details on your current submissions-- I might like the fonts swapped on "Cultured" and "Health", although I do like how the H encircled Cultured. As for color, I seem to gravitate towards slightly muted/ grayed tones, but I do like color. Not quite as muted as entry #29, though-- more like your RealFood whole health design in your portfolio. Entry #31 is closest in overall design to what I am looking for than the other 2 designs.
Thank you for all the new designs, ysonmez! I really like the fresh look of #40 - Would like it slightly brighter and a little more detail or color on the flower. Overall love the design! #40, #44 - If there is a way to make the image appear more like a human form, I would prefer to have that impression. #42, #45 - Like the overall look of 42, but the colors of 45 (only more muted). I would like the image to include a human form if possible, to emphasize the individual. Maybe somehow combining the images of #44 and #45.
#61 - Like the new brighter colors! others - appreciate the human form addition, but I think I like your original design best (as in 61:) Another leaf on the other "arm" of the H may make that design appear more human-like, what do you think? I like the color of the slogan text on #63, but could you somehow emphasize "your" ,delete the "!" and add the word "Real" to the beginning? Thank you, ysonmez!
#78 - As you can see, I love it! I would like to see if there is a way to make the slogan larger b/c it's a little hard to read (I know it's so long). I love the placement of it here-- but I'd like to see it with the placement you used on #66 (keeping #78 design, though). And would you swap the colors on the slogan to let the "your" stand out more? Last thing-- like to see the stem of the flower slightly thicker to look more human, if possible. I know it's a lot of changes, but I do love this design-- Thank you!
#98 - LOVE it! It really helped me to be able to see so many options w/ the slogan. I really appreciate you doing that. Now that I have seen the others, I realize your original idea is most visually appealing, so I'll stick with that. A few small changes I would like to see: the circle/ head/ flower center a bit larger, the leaves a little smaller and the stem still a little thicker (all this to simulate a more human form) Thank you for all of your hard work!
Ysonmez, #95 - I am liking this one, too! Even though it does not have the pizazz of the circle text above the image, I feel it may be easier to read on a business card, etc. So, if you don't mind would you also make the revisions I listed for #98 on this version, as well? Thank you!
Great job! You are really accomplishing what I am looking for. I am still favoring #110 - slogan placement. I think I liked the right/ upper leaf a little fuller, as you had in #98, or maybe somewhere in between those 2 sizes. And could I see the circle still larger (slightly)? Thank you, ysonmez!
ysonmez, Just wanted to let you know that I have not decided just yet-- this is VERY difficult. I absolutely love BOTH top 2 ranked designs. I wish I could pick 2... You are both extremely talented. Sorry for what must be a long wait.