#1 - I love the simplicity and softness of the image; #2 - Love that you illustrated my vision (but I think I like your idea even more ;), love the title color/ effect. Very nice work, so far!
Just realized a possible confusing point - I was referring the ranked number in my comments (not the entry #). Is that correct? Or is it supposed to ref. the entry #?
Thanks for clearing that up-- I will refer to the entry # from now on.
Wow, you really are artistic! And you really listened to my comments. (Problem is, I am not artistic)
#5 - So far, my favorite. Not that I like "llc", but need it a little larger and "Nutrition for your body" a tad larger, if possible (without overpowering Cultured Health). How about bolding "your" instead of all caps? I know, I asked for it, but I don't want it to look like screaming, KWIM?
One more thing, is it possible to make "Cultured Health" all start w/ the reddish or gold color on bottom and fade up to green? If that is too many colors, just do what you think is best.
As for the others, they are all appealing, I like the addition of something, the watering can just isn't IT. Like I said, I am NOT artistic;)
I don't know if this is okay, but just to show you examples of 2 logos I really like: nourishingkitchen.com and culturesforhealth.com (found this site when I was googling my own;-) Your designs are similar-- I am SO glad you are designing for me! Thank you for all the time, effort and creative juices you are spending on this project!
Thank you for the kind words, I am glad you like my designs. I can look at the websites you provided, but I am not allowed to copy the logos - it is against my ethics and the code of conduct here at Logo Tournament. But it is important to know what you like and prefer.
I will try to incorporate an additional element, I'll think of something. Also, I will try and fulfill your wishes on the texts, but I am not sure gold to green is a good combination, from a designer point of view, esthetically. But I will do it anyways, after all - it is your contest. :)
Thanks for the feedback, you can't imagine how much it helps! Keep it coming!
Wow, you are amazing! And so right about the color combo on the text (please use your original colors for text- green for Cultured and gold on Health :) Also, I am thinking back to all caps on the "your" and lose the exclamation point at the end. Sorry to be going back and forth. It's so hard to picture things in my head.
#18 - I am not positive I like the sun, can you make it a little more serious, if that makes sense? And maybe a slightly more detailed main image-- but I really like the addition of the human form-- great thinking! Thank you, again for sticking with me and all of your very hard work behind the scenes!
Artistic, Please know that I love your design-- just need it a little less whimsical and more serious/ business-like. I think I like the addition of the sun rays, maybe go a little more subtle on the rays, though. And keep the plain-edged shaded sun, instead of the prickly-edged. I sincerely appreciate and look forward to seeing all of your revisions, Thank you!
Artistic, I miss your designs! When you can, would you please make a few revisions to #18? I have been thinking about how to make it more "serious/ business-like": If "Cultured Health" was in a gray/ brownish/ neutral tone, but in the same pretty font, that might do it. I really love the colors in the image-- do you think you could you make the green stem look slightly more human-like? Then, underneath CH, "Real Nutrition for YOUR body" Please come back?
I haven't abandoned your contest, I was just a little busy with some other graphical work. I am glad you like my style and designs. I made a few for you, although I can see your preference in a different style.
Artistic, I am SO HAPPY to see your work, again! Glad you were just busy on other work. Thank you for all of your revisions! #59 - LOVE the colors, esp. the browns and greens. The red heart is a little too strong filled in. #18 - Still attached to this design-- the open sun really grew on me! Would you try the colors in #59 on the image in #18 and show with and without the oval frame? Also, I like the curves in your original vine image, as in #5. Maybe make the "arms" in #18 similar in curves to the lower branches on the vine in #5? Thank you, thank you!
Getting there! #72 - Can you try a smaller, filled in heart, but slightly tone down or mute the red on the heart? Cultured Health in a slightly more grayed brown, solid line underneath I liked that sideways "llc" you did in #12 "Arms" of #76, but prefer the larger, more open arm on the upper left and smaller, tighter curl on lower Rt.
#59 - Would like to try little longer stem, leaves a bit more open and heart as described above for rev. #72
okay, great! #85 - Colors, great-- is there a way to make the heart more crisp w/o changing the color? (if you must change it, go darker, but not brighter) Also, I liked the heart to appear to be facing the sun. Also, I would prefer the larger arm/ swirl to be upper most and the smaller tighter swirl to be lower (which ever side looks better is fine, just the larger loop to be higher)
#84 - again, love the colors, just would like the heart more crisp. I prefer the leaves back to the way/ color/ stem size that you orig. had them, as in #59. Would also love to see this one without the sun, but w/ Cultured Health in the colors you used on #11, to get some color back in.
#83 - more crisp heart
* I would like to see them all with the shorter base/ brown branch, as in #11
I believe I managed to accomplish all your requests. Tell me if I missed something. I introduced a few different approaches to the "body" of the sprout/person.
Wow, you really did accomplish all of my requests, thank you! My favs: #106 - like the new placements, esp. llc #108 - like this new layout, but not sure about the colors - could you show slogan in green (as #106) and "Cultured" in same as it is in #106, but leave "Health" as is; Make stem a little bigger and leaves slightly smaller? Thank you!