Hi, here is my initial entry to your contest. Because the name combines cuisine and maison, I have drawn a combination of a chef's hat and a simple house. I'd love your feedback. Thanks!
I'm going to make one last push promoting my concept here, because this, after all, is a competition. I wanted to just give you a little bit of insight into my thoughts behind the concept.
I attended a dinner party last year in which a friend brought a chef into her home to cook for us. It was a delightful experience, as well as one of the best meals I've had (which is saying a lot, because my mom is a fabulous cook!). One of the things I liked about it, as someone who enjoys cooking myself, is the opportunity to talk with the chef -- really talk with him. Now, I don't know if this is part of the experience you're selling, but I can't imagine having an experience like this and not taking the opportunity to talk with the chef -- otherwise, why not just eat out? It was just really nice to be able to learn from him and talk with him about his choices. Why this particular cheese on the salad? What made you decide to add fig to this sauce? And of course, his descriptions of the courses as he served them were fantastically appetizing. It turned the meal into a conversation!
So, that's really the idea behind this logo. Yes, it's a house drawn into the shape of a chef's hat -- meant to mimic the contours of the hat really. But what's key -- to me -- is the window. It's a window, a glimpse, into the mind of a chef and the experience he brings to the table.
That's it. That's the idea. Good luck finishing out your contest! I think it will end while I'm at work tomorrow. If you're interested in any more revisions from me (or any other designer in the contest), you can still get those during the judging phase. If you think you need to take that option, I can explain it here or by private message.
Regards and many thanks for your consideration! Lindsey