We like several of your designs, thanks for submitting them! In particular, we like #77, and would be interested in seeing a couple variations:
1) Letters surrounding the graphic, along a radius. So, "Cuddle Up" above and "To Me" below. I know we aren't supposed to ask for things that are in other designs, but we did mention the idea in comments, so just to further help illustrate what I mean: something like the numbers 56/92 did.
2) Same as (1), but with a different letter font, something a little more whimsical (maybe like the existing font on our website, www.cuddleuptome.com).
Thanks for the revisions. Could we see a couple more:
1) #77, same placement of words, but with a different font (somewhat close to the one on www.cuddleuptome.com).
2) #77, with the words "Cuddle Up" on the left of the image and "To Me" on the right, using a font somewhat close to the one on our website (www.cuddleuptome.com), letters in black.
Congratulations, we are going to use your design! We like #141. Just two final change requests:
1) Can you make the heart, the dot, and the side lines all red?
2) One of our group is interested in a slightly different font, the one that entry #122 uses. Could you change to that one? Also, if you could let us know the name of that font it would be good, so we can be sure our stationary and other items match it.
Thanks for your patience. We think we like #152 the best, and we think the font is good. Could you do one more change to #152, and just make the letters a tiny bit bolder?
Thanks for all your work! We just have one final request....last one I promise!
When I open the larger file, I notice something about the "p" in the word "Up"....it looks a little bit crooked. Like just that letter "p" needs to be rotated slightly counter-clockwise. Does that make sense? Not a lot, just a little.
Could you rotate just that letter a little bit, and send us a new .eps?
Got the file, it looks great. Thank you for all your help! We might be having some other companies that will need logos, and I'll get ahold of you in the future.