entry#2: I like the softness of the font. Flying dove looks too much like a religious symbol. Not a fan of the proportion of the dove in the flower. I would like to combine the beige color as well.
entry#1: I like this dove better, although the kids head throws me off a bit. Think more 'baby/newborn" than "child/toddler". Colors selected are too bright, not on the tone I would like (more light blue and beige combination). need a softer font.
entry#6 and #5: Font too modern. Flying dove too much like a religious symbol. I would like to combine some beige in it.
#8: I would like the beige to be lighter in color and possibly add some light blue. Lets try to remove the flower in the background and keep just an outline of the dove. Just as an idea: the actual cuculi dove has a beige and grey feathers and the eye has blue outer ring.
#9: I would like to change the flowers for some kind of shape of a dove, since this is the brand image. It also doesn't need to look like a real life dove, it could be more abstract, or a caricature. The color blue needs to be lighter. Also, lets try the word cuculi in a different cursive font and not slanted.
#55 and #56 need a white ring around the blue eye like in #28. They are both too grey though. Try to use color palette I suggested on general comments. Thanks
Designers, these are the color palette I am looking for: Brown HEX: C2B8AC; CMYK: 25,24,30,0; RGB: 194,184,172; Blue HEX: C6E7E1; CMYK: 22,0,13,0; RGB: 198,231,225
Thank you. I used these colors, but if it contains cyan, it cannot be brown. It will be blue. And this brown RGB code is mostly gray, this CMYK 0/4/9/24.