Hi Gonzalo, I kept my designs simple, timeless and sophisticated to help position Cuculi Baby as a leader in premier upscale clothing that would appeal to the distinctive taste of your target demographic.
#82 incorporates a dove silhouette in the negative space of the C. Can you see it? #83-84 uses simple typography and silhouettes of a dove to convey upscale branding of the Cuculi line.
Please let me know if you like the direction I'm going and would care to see more. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
I like your approach. That is what I am looking for. I like #84 the best. Try Cuculi in cursive (same family font) please. Thanks!
Hopefully in the future we will do Alpaca wool clothing. Right now we are focusing in Pima Cotton. Thanks for asking.... I am impressed, not a whole lot of people know about alpaca wool.
I have an additional request. Can you change the word baby in #84 to home. Can we also see #82 with the same blue border as #84, and Cuculi Home as well? Thanks!
Thank you for submitting another design. I keep looking back at #84 as I really like the simplicity. Could you make the border a bit more blue, and also change the word baby to home? Can we also see the bird silhouette in #84 more plump like a dove, and with a shorter tail?
We urgently need #84 with the word "Home" instead of "baby" please. Also if you can use the colors I suggested. That one will win the competition. thanks
The colors in the contest discussion are from our original logo currently in use on our baby line. We want your logo to be our Home line, but we need the same colors for brand association. Thank you
Hello, I have moved your logo to first place to open up your ability to submit entries. I am looking forward to seeing the entry with the adjusted colors and the word baby changed to home. Thank you
Hi Gonzalo, I was unable to submit additional entries after the top5 phase so thank you for moving my position. Per your request, I changed baby to home. I used the CMYK values you specified and provided more cursive/script options to choose from. The rectangle and box were used to help give the logo context. i.e. When creating your branding materials, if you use the logo against a photography, floral pattern, texture or colored background, the logo would look nice placed within an enclosure. Ideally, the logo should be able to stand on its own without a background color behind it. More specifically, it should work in black on a white background and vice versa. Obviously this will allow the logo to easily be engraved, embroidered, etc using any colors.
Are you still looking for a new dove icon or will you be using your existing logo for the baby line? I am asking so that I keep the branding cohesive across various lines. Your current baby logo is whimsical so I wasn't sure if your were leaning in that direction or wanted something with more simplicity. I provided additional silhouette dove options that are both whimsical (along the lines of your current branding) and some that feel a touch more upscale/expensive. I must admit, I feel a little blind designing your corporate identity because I have not seen and experienced your products in person or in photos so I'm trying my best to capture and articulate the essence of your brand.
Any feedback is much appreciated. Kind Regards, Christina
Thank you for submitting new designs. We really like 331, 327, 319. We understand your concerns about the products, and just want to assure you that your designs complement the fabrics and products we are working with. We like the elegant aesthetic in your designs. The logo that we already own is one we want to continue using for our baby clothing products, and in thinking of the possibilities, we would like your logo to be for the home line which includes bedding.
In creating a brand, we are starting to think that a simple Cuculi would establish the brand, and from there we could have cuculi baby under its umbrella. We own the rights to our existing logo. Is there a way you can put that same dove in #319, and remove the word home?
Can we also see #331 with our dove on the side instead of the silhouette above the "i", and again just the word cuculi?
We appreciate the changes you have done and new entries you have submitted. Thanks
Hi Christina, to clarify our previous message: We have decided to keep our original logo for the baby clothing line. However we are looking into launching a second line that would be bedding, pillow cases etc. which we originally thought we call "Cuculi Home" but now we are thinking it would just be called "Cuculi" and have "Cuculi baby" as a sub brand. We have decided not to use other dove icons to avoid competition with one another. Let's just focus on "Cuculi" alone. If anything, in order to have brand association between both lines could you incorporate our logo instead of the bird standing on the "I" into your #331??? Also lets delete the "home" word. Thank you. looking forward to hearing from you.
We definitely want to keep the same colors of our original design, and maybe(but not necessarily) the same cursive, just to create brand association.thanks
Here are the revisions you requested. I think the dove looks best when it's larger than the text because when scaled down, the stroke, or thickness of the line almost gets lost against the white background. Refer to #333. I'm not sure how small you can go with the icon when it comes to embroidery. Will the lines be too thin?
In #337 I was able to match the thickness of the type with the icon so it's visually balanced. I like #336 because the dove is the hero image with the type as a secondary element. Let me know if you'd like to see any iterations.
Hi Christina, thank you for your concerns, we will not use this design for embroidery, this one will be just for packaging, labels and print. We do like the colored border. we are between #332 and #338
Here are the revisions you requested including your original logo with the enclosure. Do you have a website with your current product offering? I couldn't find it via google search. I'd love to see your product line!
Hi Christina, thank you for your updates. Unfortunately not what we were looking for. We would like #332, but with our original cursive font(but keeping the brown color in #332)
Actually, the box in #341 might be of better dimensions, we just need the color border and try word "cuculi" using the cursive of our original logo, if that makes sense. Thanks
Here are the variations of the cursive cuculi+bird combo with the colored borders shown in both tan and mint green.
Will you be using any of my original concepts or one from any other designers proposed here on Logo Tournament? Since you're reworking your existing mark, were you not satisfied with any of the original designs?
I really liked a few of your concepts as well as the other top 2 designers'. After discussing them with my business partner, we decided to keep our existing mark for our baby clothing line and use the one from LT for our home line. By doing this we also decided not to use another dove figure to prevent from competing with each other. Then we decided to take away the word home because that line might expand to do other things besides bedding and such. So basically Cuculi baby(with its original logo), will be the sub brand of CUCULI, which is what we are working with you guys. We are trying to make it to where there is some brand association between both brands, hence the shared elements, but it doesn't necessarily need to be both elements(dove and cursive), we are just trying different alternatives. These are: 1) Our dove with your font (#332), 2) our original font with no dove, or 3) both. My business partner really liked your #331 from the beginning, for its simplicity and elegant looks. So now we are trying different approaches to make it better for us and our business venture. What is a must though, is the "mint" enclosure.
We are deciding between #341, #346, and #349 but we need all these to have the mint background like in #332 please. #341 we would like a smaller dove and thicker letters, just like in #332. #346 is great, it just needs the mint background like #332 #349 also the mint background and your font like in #332
I think with these adjustments we will be able to select the best one.
Hi Gonzalo, I added the background color to the final logos you specified. Do you plan to always use the logo against the mint color? I ask because sometimes you will need to use the logo independent of a background color or even against a different color, background or texture. Ideally, the logo should work against white which yours does even without the tan border treatment. Consider how the logo will appear across all mediums and touchpoints from clothing/bedding tags, embroidered or screen printed on cotton fabric, brochures, mobile device, web site, retail signage, advertisements, photography, packaging, etc. Did the designer of your original logo provide you with a logo style or brand guide? If not, you can define logo specifics, messaging, tone, etc within this document so everyone involved in shaping and growing your company is consistent with branding as you move forward. You can define the logo as #346 then extend it into an open system where border treatments, background colors, additional fonts are further defined. Here, you'll also specify improper and proper logo usage. Here's how I envision the logo if it's required against a saturated photograph as seen in #354-355.