Entry #5: This is the best logo so far. We like the idea of having the red icon but are not fans of the check-mark. Can you provide another icon that represents the concepts of partnership, reliable, quick, effective, or help? Thanks
Entry #4: Same feelings as Entry #5 - Would like to make sure that the blue "banner" will be a strong enough color to stand out against a dark grey (like charcoal).
Entries #4 and #5: Could you use a red color for the letters in the word "HELP"...with a white outline on those letters? Just wanted to see what this will look like.
Entry #47: I really like what you've got going on here with the color and icon. I would like to see this with a dark background and different color on HELP than black (since it will be on a dark charcoal background). I would also like to see the "We Make Technology Work For You" fit closer to the CTCHELP but condensed to fit before the lower part of the "P". I'd also like to see what the ring icon would look like if it were bigger and off to the side (left or right). Great work!
Entry #73 and #74: GREAT Work on the CTCHelp.com and "We Make Technology Work" part of the logo. It looks great. I would like to see it with no black outline on CTC and one without a blue gradient.
Also - I've spoken with my boss and he's not liking the life preserver. He feels that though it represents "help", he wants to focus on "make technology work". I don't know if there is a pictorial concept for that. Specific things he's not wanting though: cogs/gears, computer icons, mouse/keyboard
If you do find something that is circular that you like, I'd like to see it behind the CTC and larger (instead of hanging on the "C")
Entry #75 and #76: The direction with the "power" symbol doesn't have to have CTC in it. We would prefer a cleaner power symbol that is more upright. Thanks.