Here is my design for your logo.. Feedback is more then welcome and all of the elements can be changed by your requests.. Im happy to modify it for you.. :)
I think I deleted this comment accidentally - sorry if I am duplicating. I love the CRYSTAL CLOUD word style and I love the Believe with stars between the letters. The whole design is a bit too complicated for this application. I write for 4-8 year old children. Perhaps just on a single cloud or something. I did love this design as a whole!
I have submitted some new ones that is less complexed and with more focus on the stars.. Let me know what you think.. :) Would you like it even more simple maybe?
Yes - it is coming closer. Sorry this is a discovery process for me too. I like the simplicity. I still love the Believe with the stars between the letters. Mispelling is something I struggle with but I was told that creative people often it works for some of us.
Yes I have heard that too.. :) I also like the simple ones best.. You see, I have a 6 year old boy here with me who really is a tough jugde, but he also loved the stars between the letters.. :) Just let me know if you have any more requests for the logo.. In color or layout or anything else you would like to see..
I am so glad you have a six year old - they are my target audience...his opinion really counts for me. I like your creative inclusion of the star and moon in Crystal; Cloud but it is easier to read without it.
What if we kept the Crystal Cloud Believe part...I like all of that......and work with just clouds or cystal balls. I love both but I have a business card for a special performance that has rainbow stars (little stars of red, yellow, orange, etc) and I really like that image.
I have submittet some new ones.. And with these only having the stars in focus.. :) I have changed the font, but if you like the other one better I can easily cahnge back to the old one.. :)
Have also shown you how it would look like on a black background.. :)